Widgets (app)

Widgets are pre-designed pieces of Graphic User Interface. Each widget performs a specific input/output function when communicating with your hardware or end-user.

Widgets can be found in the Widget Box. There are 4 major types of widgets:

  • Controllers – UI elements used to send data to hardware. For example: buttons, switches, sliders, joysticks, etc.

  • Displays – UI elements used to visualize the incoming data. LEDs, Charts, Gauges. etc.

  • Interface Elements – Elements to build user-friendly UI. Tabs, Drop-down menus, various inputs, etc.

  • Misc – special widgets that don't belong to any category.

Scroll the list and tap on the Widget you need to add it to the Grid. Tap the Widget to set it up.



Works in push or switch modes. Allows to send any number value on button click and button release events. By default button uses 0/1 (LOW/HIGH) values. Button sends 1 (HIGH) on press and sends 0 (LOW) on release.

You can change button state from hardware side. For example, turn on button assigned to virtual pin V1 :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, HIGH);

You can change button labels from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "onLabel", "ON");
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "offLabel", "OFF");

or change color :

//#D3435C - Blynk RED 
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "color", "#D3435C");

You can also get button state from server in case your hardware was disconnected with Blynk Sync feature :


  int buttonState = param.asInt();

Sketch: Basic Sketch

Sketch: Physical Button Interrupt

Sketch: Physical Button Poll

Sketch: Physical Button State Sync

Styled Button

Works in push or switch modes. Allows to send any number value on button click and button release events. By default button uses 0/1 (LOW/HIGH) values. Button sends 1 (HIGH) on press and sends 0 (LOW) on release.

You can change button state from hardware side. For example, turn on button assigned to virtual pin V1:

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, HIGH);

You can change button labels from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "onLabel", "ON");

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "offLabel", "OFF");

or change color of the button :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "onColor", "#D3435C");

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "offColor", "#D3435C");

or change background color of the button :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "onBackColor", "#D3435C");

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "offBackColor", "#D3435C");

You can also get button state from server in case your hardware was disconnected with Blynk Sync feature :


  int buttonState = param.asInt();

Sketch: Basic Sketch

Sketch: Physical Button Interrupt

Sketch: Physical Button Poll

Sketch: Physical Button State Sync

Icon Button

Image Button


Similar to potentiometer. Allows sending values between MIN and MAX.

You can change slider state from the hardware side. For example, set the slider value assigned to virtual pin V1 to 55 :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, 55);

You can change the slider label from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "label", "My Slider Label");

or change color :

//#D3435C - Blynk RED
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "color", "#D3435C");


Defines how many digits after the point you would like to see when moving the slider. When you have "No Fraction" that means the slider will send only integer values without the decimal point. "1 digit" means that values will look like 1.1, 1.2, ..., 2.0, etc.

Send On Release

Send On Release is available for most controller widgets and allows you to decrease data traffic on your hardware. For example, when you move the slider widget, commands are continuously streamed to the hardware, during a single slider move you can send dozens of commands. There are use cases where it's needed, however creating such a load may cause hardware reset. We recommend enabling Send On Release feature for most of the cases, unless you really need instant feedback. This option is enabled by default.

Write interval

Similar to the above option. However, allows you to stream values to your hardware within a certain intervals. For example, setting the write interval to 100 ms - means, that while you move the slider only 1 value will be sent to the hardware within 100 ms. This option is also used to decrease data traffic on your hardware.

Sketch: Basic Sketch

Vertical Slider

Same as Slider. The only difference is it's vertical UI.

Step Slider

Slider with additional step control by button taps.

Tap + or - buttons to change the value with high precision (the value amount per step is set by Product owner) or move the handle.

Vertical Step Slider

Same as Step Slider. The only difference is its vertical UI.

Tap + or - buttons to change the value with high precision (the value amount per step is set by Product owner) or move the handle.


Control servo movements in 4 directions.


  • SPLIT: Each of the parameters is sent directly to the Pin on your hardware (e.g D7). You don't need to write any code.

NOTE: In this mode you send multiple commands from one widget, which can reduce the performance of your hardware.

Example: If you have a Joystick Widget and it's set to D3 and D4, it will send 2 commands over the Internet:

digitalWrite(3, x);
digitalWrite(4, y);
  • MERGE: When MERGE mode is selected, you are sending just 1 message, consisting of an array of values. But you'll need to parse it on the hardware.

This mode can be used with Virtual Pins only.

Example: Add a Joystick Widget and set it to MERGE mode. Choose Virtual Pin V1

BLYNK_WRITE(V1) // Joystick assigned to V1 
  // get x 
  int x = param[0].asInt(); 
  // get y
  int y = param[1].asInt();
  • Rotate on Tilt When it's ON, Joystick will automatically rotate if you use your smartphone in landscape orientation.

  • Auto-Return When it's OFF, the Joystick handle will not return back to the center position. It will stay where you left it.

Send On Release

Send On Release is available for most controller widgets and allows you to decrease data traffic on your hardware. For example, when you move the joystick widget, commands are continuously streamed to the hardware, during a single joystick move you can send dozens of commands. There are use cases where it's needed, however creating such a load may cause hardware reset. We recommend enabling Send On Release feature for most of the cases, unless you really need instant feedback. This option is enabled by default.

Write interval

Similar to the above option. However, allows you to stream values to your hardware within a certain intervals. For example, setting write interval to 100 ms - means, that while you move the slider only 1 value will be sent to the hardware within 100 ms. This option is also used to decrease data traffic on your hardware.

Sketch: JoystickTwoAxis


zeRGBa is usual RGB controller (color picker).


  • SPLIT: Each of the parameters is sent directly to the Pin on your hardware (e.g D7). You don't need to write any code.

NOTE: In this mode you send multiple commands from one widget, which can reduce the performance of your hardware.

Example: If you have a zeRGBa Widget and it's set to D1, D2, D3 it will send 3 commands over the Internet:

digitalWrite(1, r);
digitalWrite(2, g);
digitalWrite(3, b);
  • MERGE: When MERGE mode is selected, you are sending just 1 message, consisting of an array of values. But you'll need to parse it on the hardware.

This mode can be used with Virtual Pins only.

Example: Add a zeRGBa Widget and set it to MERGE mode. Choose Virtual Pin V1.

BLYNK_WRITE(V1) // zeRGBa assigned to V1 
    // get a RED channel value
    int r = param[0].asInt();
    // get a GREEN channel value
    int g = param[1].asInt();
    // get a BLUE channel value
    int b = param[2].asInt();
  • Send On Release is available for most controller widgets and allows you to decrease data traffic on your hardware. For example, when you move the joystick widget, commands are continuously streamed to the hardware, during a single joystick move you can send dozens of commands. There are use cases where it's needed, however creating such a load may cause hardware reset. We recommend enabling Send On Release feature for most of the cases, unless you really need instant feedback. This option is enabled by default.

Write interval

Similar to the above option. However, allows you to stream values to your hardware within a certain interval. For example, setting write interval to 100 ms - means, that while you move the slider only 1 value will be sent to the hardware within 100 ms. This option is also used to decrease data traffic on your hardware.

RGB Light Control

Step H

Step control is like 2 buttons assigned to 1 pin. One button increments your value by desired step and another one decrements it. It is very useful for use cases where you need to change your values very precisely and you can't achieve this precision with slider widget.

Send Step option allows you to send step to hardware instead of actual value of step widget. Loop value option allows you to reset step widget to start value when maximum value is reached.

You can change step state from hardware side. For example :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, val);

You can change step labels from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "label", "My Stepper");

You can change the step of the step widget from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "step", 10);

or change color :

//#D3435C - Blynk RED 
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "color", "#D3435C");

You can also get step control state from server in case your hardware was disconnected with Blynk Sync feature :


  int stepperValue = param.asInt();

Write interval

Similar to above option. However, allows you to stream values to your hardware within certain interval. For example, setting write interval to 100 ms - means, that while you move slider only 1 value will be send to hardware within 100 ms. This option also used to decrease data traffic on your hardware.

Sketch: Basic Sketch

Step V

Step control is like 2 buttons assigned to 1 pin. One button increments your value by desired step and another one decrements it. It is very useful for use cases where you need to change your values very precisely and you can't achieve this precision with slider widget.

Send Step option allows you to send step to hardware instead of actual value of step widget. Loop value option allows you to reset step widget to start value when maximum value is reached.

You can change step state from hardware side. For example :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, val);

You can change step labels from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "label", "My Stepper");

You can change the step of the step widget from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "step", 10);

or change color :

//#D3435C - Blynk RED 
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "color", "#D3435C");

You can also get step control state from server in case your hardware was disconnected with Blynk Sync feature :


  int stepperValue = param.asInt();

Write interval

Similar to above option. However, allows you to stream values to your hardware within certain interval. For example, setting write interval to 100 ms - means, that while you move slider only 1 value will be send to hardware within 100 ms. This option also used to decrease data traffic on your hardware.

Sketch: Basic Sketch

Slope Control


Allows to send any number value on button click and button release events. By default button uses 0/1 (LOW/HIGH) values. Button sends 1 (HIGH) on press and sends 0 (LOW) on release.

You can change button state from hardware side. For example, turn on button assigned to virtual pin V1 :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, HIGH);

You can change button labels from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "onLabel", "ON");
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "offLabel", "OFF");

or change color :

//#D3435C - Blynk RED 
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "color", "#D3435C");

You can also get button state from server in case your hardware was disconnected with Blynk Sync feature :


  int buttonState = param.asInt();

Sketch: Basic Sketch

Sketch: Physical Button Interrupt

Sketch: Physical Button Poll

Sketch: Physical Button State Sync

Level Slider

This widget combines functions of Level display and Slider simultaneously.

Tap or swipe level area to set the new value.

Level Slider with Switch

Same as Level Slider with additional Switch option (the same or different Datastream can be assigned)

Tap or swipe level area to set the new value.


Value Display

Displays incoming data from your sensors or Virtual Pins.

To send the data to the value display simply call the next code:

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, val);

Every message that hardware sends to server is stored automatically on server.

Sketch: BlynkBlink

Labeled Value

Displays incoming data from your sensors or Virtual Pins. It is a better version of 'Value Display' as it has a formatting string, so you could format incoming value to any string you want.

Update value display from hardware side with code :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, val);

Every message that hardware sends to server is stored automatically on server.

Formatting options

Let's assume, your sensor sends number 12.6789 to Blynk application. Next formatting options are supported:

/pin/ - displays the value without formatting (12.6789)

/pin./ - displays the value without decimal part (13)

/pin.#/ - displays the value with 1 decimal digit (12.7)

/pin.##/ - displays the value with two decimal places (12.68)

Sketch: BlynkBlink


A simple indicator (similar to a LED).

  • if value is equal to min DataStream setting, indicator is OFF

  • if value is equal to max DataStream setting, indicator is ON

  • in-between values are used for brightness control (like PWM)

// DataStream is configured for range 0..255
// Set brightness of LED to 50%
Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, 127);

You can also change LED color with :

//#D3435C - Blynk RED 
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "color", "#D3435C");

Sketch: LED


A great visual way to display incoming numeric values.

Update gauge from hardware side with code :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, val);

Every message that hardware sends to server is stored automatically on server.

Formatting options

Gauge also has "Label" field which allows use to use formatting. Let's assume, your sensor sends number 12.6789 to Blynk application. Next formatting options are supported:

/pin/ - displays the value without formatting (12.6789)

/pin./ - displays the value without decimal part (13)

/pin.#/ - displays the value with 1 decimal digit (12.7)

/pin.##/ - displays the value with two decimal places (12.68)

Other options

You can also change gauge label from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "label", "My Gauge Label");

or change color :

//#D3435C - Blynk RED
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "color", "#D3435C");

Sketch: BlynkBlink

Radial Gauge

Enhanced Gauge


This is a regular 16x2 LCD display made in our secret facility in China. It can work in 2 modes :

  • Simple

  • Advanced

Simple mode

In simple mode, your LCD widget performs as a regular widget with Frequency reading.

With Frequency Reading mode you need to select update interval and the application will trigger events with the required timing. Your application should be open and running in order to make requests to hardware. You don't need any code for Analog and Digital pins in that case. However, for virtual pins you need to use the following code :

//triggered from app
  //send to app
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, val);

In Simple mode LCD also supports formatting options.

Formatting options

Let's assume, your sensor sends number 12.6789 to Blynk application. Next formatting options supported:

/pin/ - displays the value without formatting (12.6789)

/pin./ - displays the value without decimal part (13)

/pin.#/ - displays the value with 1 decimal digit (12.7)

/pin.##/ - displays the value with two decimal places (12.68)

Sketch: LCD Simple Mode Pushing

Sketch: LCD Simple Mode Reading

Advanced mode

Advanced mode is for experienced users. Allows you to use special commands to control LCD.


Init LCD variable :

WidgetLCD lcd(V1);

Send message :

lcd.print(x, y, "Your Message");

Where x is a symbol position (0-15), y is a line number (0 or 1),

Clear LCD :


Sketch: LCD Advanced Mode


SuperChart is used to visualise live and historical data. You can use it for sensor data, for binary event logging and more.

To use SuperChart widget you would need to push the data from the hardware with the desired interval by using timers. Here is a basic example for data pushing.


  • Switch between time ranges and Live mode Tap time ranges at the bottom of the widget to change time ranges

  • Tap Legend Elements to show or hide datastreams

  • Tap'n'hold to view timestamp and corresponding values

  • Quick swipe from left to right to reveal previous data Then you can then scroll data back and forward within the given time range.

  • Full Screen Mode Press this button to open Full Screen view in landscape orientation.

Simply rotate the phone back to portrait mode. Chart should rotate automagically. In full screen view you will see X (time) and multiple Y scales. Full Screen Mode can be disabled from widget Settings.

SuperChart Settings:

  • Chart Title

  • Title Font Size You have a choice of 3 font sizes

  • Title Alignment Choose chart title alignment. This setting also affects Title and Legend position on the Widget.

  • Show x-axis (time) Select it if you want to show the time label at the bottom of your chart.

  • Time ranges picker Allows you to select required periods (15m, 30m, 1h, 3h, ...) and resolution for your chart. Resolution defines how precise your data is. Right now chart supports 2 types of resolution standard and high. Resolution also depends on the selected period. For example, standard resolution for 1d means you'll get 24 points per day (1 per hour), with high resolution you'll get for 1d 1440 points per day (1 per minute).

  • Datastreams Add datastreams (read below how to configure datastreams)

Datastream Settings

Widget supports up to 4 Datastreams. Press Datastream Settings Icon to open Datastream Settings.

Design: Choose available types of Chart:

  • Line

  • Area

  • Bar

  • Binary (anchor LINK to binary)

Color: Choose solid colors or gradients

Source and input: You can use 3 types of Data source:

1. Virtual Pin Choose the desired Device and Virtual Pin to read the data from.

2. Tags SuperChart can aggregate data from multiple devices using built-in aggregation functions. For example, if you have 10 Temperature sensors sending temperature with the given period, you can plot average value from 10 sensors on the widget.

To use Tags:

  • Add Tag to every device you want to aggregate data from.

  • Push data to the same Virtual Pin on every device. (e.g. Blynk.virtualWrite (V0, temperature);)

  • Choose Tag as a source in SuperChart Widget and use the pin where the data is coming to (e.g V0)

Functions available:

  • SUM will summarize all incoming values to the specified Virtual Pin across all devices tagged with the chosen tag

  • AVG will plot average value

  • MED will find a median value

  • MIN will plot minimum value

  • MAX will plot maximum value

☝️ IMPORTANT: Tags are not working in Live Mode.

  1. Device Selector If you add Device Selector Widget to your project, you can use it as a source for SuperChart. In this case, when you change the device in Device Selector, chart will be updated accordingly

Y-Axis Settings There are 4 modes of how to scale data along the Y axis

  1. Auto Data will be auto-scaled based on min and max values of the given time period. This is nice option to start with.

  2. Min/Max When this mode is selected, Y scale will be set to the values you choose. For example, if your hardware sends data with values varying from -100 to 100, you can set the chart to this values and data will be rendered correctly.

You may also want to visualize the data within some specific range. Let's say incoming data has values in the range of 0-55, but you would like to see only values in the range 30-50. You can set it up and if values are out of Y scale you configured, chart will be cropped

  1. % of Height This option allows you to auto-scale incoming data on the widget and position it the way you want. In this mode, you set up the percentage of widget height on the screen, from 0% to 100%.

If you set 0-100%, in fact it's a full auto-scale. No matter in which range the data is coming, it will be always scaled to the whole height of the widget.

If you set it to 0-25%, then this chart will only be rendered on 1/4 of the widget height.

This setting is very valuable for Binary Chart or for visualizing a few datastreams on the same chart in a different way.

  1. Delta While data stays within the given Delta value, chart will be auto-scaled within this range. If delta exceeds the range, chart will be auto-scaled to min/max values of the given period.

Suffix Here you can specify a suffix that will be shown during the Tap'n'hold.

Decimals Defines the formatting of the graph value when you Tap'n'hold the graph. Possible options are: #, #.#, #.##, etc.

Connect Missing Data Points If this switch is ON, then SuperChart will connect all the dots even if there was no data.

If it's set to OFF, then you will see gaps in case there was no data.

Binary Chart Settings This type of chart is useful to plot binary data, for example when unit was ON or OFF, or when motion was detected or when certain threshold was reached.

You need to specify a FLIP point, which is the point where incoming data will be turned into TRUE or FALSE state.

For example, you send the data in the range of 0 to 1023. If you set 512 as a FLIP point, then everything above 512 (excluding 512) will be recorded as TRUE, any value below 512 (including 512) will be FALSE.

Another example, if you send 0 and 1 and set 0 as a FLIP point, then 1 will be TRUE, 0 will be FALSE

State Labels: Here you can specify how TRUE/FALSE should be shown in Tap'n'Hold mode.

For example, you can set to TRUE to "Equipment ON" label, FALSE to "Equipment OFF".

Simple Chart

Simple Chart widget visualizes numerical data that comes from the device plotting a historical graph. It features:

  • line, stepped line or bar chart types

  • plotting data resolutions: 1 min, 1 hour, or 1 day

  • plotting time ranges from 6 hours to 1 year

  • auto-scaled or fixed data axis

  • highlighted min/max values

  • easily reveal individual points via tap-n-hold

  • scrollable time axis

  • numerous styling settings

  • full-screen mode

Widget Settings


Select a datastream which has numerical (i.e. of Int or Double) data type and comes from the device. Data that the app sends to the device is not registered. Simple Chart widget shows data from a single datastream. If you need to plot multiple datastreams in a single chart, check the Super Chart widget. By default the chart shows the average value (AVG) for each point on the chart, but you can change aggregation to (SUM) total of the incoming data. The time period covered by each point on the chart is defined by the selected Time Range/Resolution (see below).

Chart Style

Choose chart type (Line, Bar, or Step line) and its visual properties, like line width, color or gradient, axes style, etc. Note: when the gradient option is used, its color distribution is based on min/max properties of the selected datastream.

Time Ranges / Resolution

Select up to 7 time ranges you want to be able to switch between in the widget. Each time range button you select specifies its resolution - that is a period of time covered by each single point on a chart. Whenever there are multiple actual data writings coming from the device within the resolution period, that data is aggregated into one point (calculating average or total depending on the selection made in the Data section (see above).

Y-Axis Scaling

There are a number of ways to define the range of values to be shown on a chart. Select option to:

  • use datastream min/max (available for AVG aggregation, not available for SUM aggregation)

  • auto scale the visual range to always fit all the data

  • 0-Auto: auto-scale but always start from zero

  • define fixed min and max of the visual range

  • define delta: chart is auto-scaled, but its range never gets less than the delta set


Turn on Summary to show the average or total of all values presented on the chart in the top right corner. Note: summary style settings also define the style of selected value during tap-n-hold.

Other Settings

  • Show or hide a button at the bottom right to go to full-screen mode

  • Allow chart scrolling along the time axis. On scrolling, the chart and the summary are updated according to the new time range

  • Whether the line chart should connect missing points - that is all available points are connected in a line. Turn it off to visualize points without neighbours

How to send data from device to Simple Chart widget

Usually, just make sure that the data coming from the device is numerical. See more details on sending data here.

float sensorData = readSensor(); 
Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, sensorData);

Widget Properties

Simple Chart supports standard isDisabled and isHidden properties

Blynk.setProperty(V0, "isDisabled", "true");


Displays data from your hardware. Allows to send any string to your hardware. Terminal always stores last 25 messages your hardware had send to Blynk Cloud.

You can use special commands with this widget:

// Print values, like Serial.print
// Print values, like Serial.println()
 // Write a raw data buffer
// Ensure that data was sent out of device
// Erase all values in the terminal

Sketch: Terminal

Video Streaming

Simple widget that allows you to display any live or video stream. Widget supports RTSP (RP, SDP), HTTP/S progressive streaming, HTTP/S live streaming. For more info please follow official Android documentation.

At the moment Blynk doesn't provide streaming servers. So you can either stream directly from camera, use 3-d party services or host streaming server on own server (on raspberry for example).

You can also stop/start video stream with click on widget.

You can also change video url from hardware with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "url", "http://my_new_video_url");

Level H

Level V

The image gallery widget allows you to display any image within your project. You need to provide http/s url to it. Url should be a valid endpoint to the binary data of the image. The url shortener will not work.

Right now image widget supports 2 display options:

  • Fit: The image will be scaled to fit the height or width of the widget size;

  • Fill: The image will be scaled to fill the widget area. Cropping may occur;

You can make an image widget interactive by providing multiple links to different images with different states and change the displayed image index from your hardware.

For example, select the first icon from the list :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, 0); //image indexing starts from 0

You can also change the opacity, scale, or rotation of the displayed image :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "opacity", 50); // 0-100%
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "scale", 30); // 0-100%
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "rotation", 10); //0-360 degrees

also, you can fully replace the list of images from the hardware:

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "urls", "https://image1.jpg", "https://image2.jpg");

or you can change the individual image by its index:

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "url", 0, "https://image1.jpg");

Gradient Ramp




The only purpose of the Tabs widget is to extend your project space. In order to edit the tabs widget - just tap on the selected tab. You can drag widgets between tabs. Only the last tab can be removed: to remove it swipe left on its name in the Settings screen.

The maximum number of tabs on iOS is 4 The maximum number of tabs on Android is 10

The menu widget allows you to send commands to your hardware based on the selection you made on UI. The menu sends the index of the element you selected and not the label string. Sending index starts from 0. It works the same way as the usual ComboBox element.

Example code:

  switch (param.asInt()) {
    case 0: { // Item 1
      Serial.println("Item 1 selected");
    case 1: { // Item 2
      Serial.println("Item 2 selected");

You can also set Menu items from hardware side with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "labels", "label 1", "label 2", "label 3");

Sketch: Menu


The map widget allows you to set a point/pin on the map from the hardware side.

You can send a point to map with regular virtual write command :

Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, lon, lat);

Text Input

Text Input displays and lets you directly alter a string value. You can limit the maximum number of characters in widget settings.

Numeric Input

Numeric Input displays and lets you directly alter a number value. Similar to the Step widget, it has incrementing and decrementing buttons for quicker value changes, which you can set up (step, looping) in widget settings.

Segmented Switch

The Segmented Switch widget allows you to send commands to your hardware based on the selection you made on UI. Segmented Switch sends the index of the element you selected and not the label string. Sending index starts from 0. It works the same way as the usual ComboBox or Menu element.

Example code:

  switch (param.asInt()) {
    case 0: { // Item 1
      Serial.println("Item 1 selected");
    case 1: { // Item 2
      Serial.println("Item 2 selected");

You can also set Menu items from the hardware side with :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "labels", "label 1", "label 2", "label 3");

Sketch: Menu

Icon Segmented Switch



Music Player

Simple UI element with 3 buttons - simulates music player interface. Every button sends it's own command to hardware : play, stop, prev, next.

You can change widget state within the app from hardware side with next commands:

Blynk.virtualWrite(Vx, “play”);
Blynk.virtualWrite(Vx, “stop”);

You can also change widget play/stop state with next code (equivalent to above commands) :

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "isOnPlay", "false");

Sketch: Music Player

WebPage Button

Web Page Image Button

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