Template Quick Setup

A Device Template is a set of configurations inherited by devices of a similar type.

Think about smart home switches. They all perform a similar function and it's safe to assume that they should have the same data model, GPIOs, firmware code, etc. You can create a SmartSwitch template and then create multiple SmartHome switches from it.

Tutorial Overview

While Device Template has a lot of settings, in this tutorial, we focus only on the most important settings to get your devices up and running quickly. By the end of this tutorial, you should have a working device that will:

  • Send random values to the web and mobile dashboard in given intervals

  • Receive user input from the web or mobile dashboard UI elements

You would need a development board (e.g. Node MCU, Arduino). A list of supported boards can be found here.

Full documentation on all of the Template settings can be found here.

1. Enable Developer Mode

Before moving further, make sure that you have Developer Mode enabled:

  1. In the Blynk app or in Blynk.Console

  2. Navigate to My ProfileUser profile in the left menu

  3. Check that the Developer Mode switch is set to ON

Currently, only one developer is allowed per Organization to avoid sync issues. This limit can be changed later.

2. Edit/Create Template

Open the Templates section in the left menu and click + New Template button. If you already have a template - click to open it and press Edit button.

3. Basic Settings

Give your new template a name, specify the hardware and connectivity you will be using.

If you can't find your hardware in the list choose Other

4. Find Template ID

A new Template is now created. On the screen below notice Template ID and Firmware Configuration sections. You will need these details later in your sketch.

5. Set Up Mobile Dashboard

  1. Log In to your account

  2. Switch to Developer Mode

  3. Find a template you just created on the web and tap on it.

Configure your board:

  1. Open Dynamic Provisioning Template: - ESP8266 - ESP32 - MKR1000 - MKR1010

  2. Specify TMPLID, SSID WiFi and Board Name in the sketch

  3. Upload this code to your board

Congratulations, you have configured your device and it is ready to use!

Now all that remains is to add your test board using Blynk.Apps, make sure it works as you expect, and integrate your code.

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