
Toggles between ON/OFF state (or any other two states) each time it is pressed. Visually simulates a switch appearance. The widget has the same functionality as a Button in ‘Switch’ mode.


Select or create a datastream of data type integer, double, or string. Widget properties (label, color, etc.) are also changed via the datastream, but only for virtual, enumerable, and location pins, not digital and analog pins.

How to process switch input on the device

When switch is pressed, value is sent and stored into the Blynk.Cloud. After that it's sent to your device.

Reading the switch value

For example, if Switch Widget is set to Datastream with Virtual Pin V1, you can use such code:

BLYNK_WRITE(V1) // this command is listening when something is written to V1
  int pinValue = param.asInt(); // assigning incoming value from pin V1 to a variable
  if (pinValue == 1){
   // do something when button is pressed;
  } else if (pinValue == 0) {
   // do something when button is released;
  Serial.print("V1 button value is: "); // printing value to serial monitor

Changing switch state

You can set the state of the widget by updating the assigned datastream value using the hardware or HTTP API. When the widget option ‘Use datastream’s Min/Max’ is enabled, then you set the datastream to the value assigned to the datastream max in order to set the switch state to ON, and set it to the datastream min value to set the switch state OFF. When the widget option ‘Use datastream’s Min/Max’ is disabled, then you specify the values to use for the OFF/ON states.


Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin, 1);	// best practice
// OR
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin, HIGH);
// OR
Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin, TRUE);


https://{server_address}/external/api/update/?token={your 32 char token}&V0=1

https://{server_address}/external/api/batch/update/?token={your 32 char token}&V0=1

Don't put Blynk.virtualWrite()into the void loop() as it can cause a flood of messages and your hardware will be disconnected. Send such updates only when necessary, use flags, or timers.

Sketch: Basic Sketch

Sketch: Physical Button Interrupt

Sketch: Physical Button Poll

Sketch: Physical Button State Sync

Change Widget Properties

You can change certain properties of the Widget from your hardware. For that, use this command:

Blynk.setProperty(vPin, "widgetProperty", "propertyValue"); 


  • vPin is: virtual pin number the widget is assigned to

  • widgetProperty: property you want to change

  • propertyValue: value of the property you want to change

Don't put Blynk.setProperty()into the void loop() as it can cause a flood of messages and your hardware will be disconnected. Send such updates only when necessary, or use timers.

Properties you can change

You can change the properties onLabel, offLabel, label, color, isDisabled, isHidden of the widget from your hardware, or via an HTTP API. The URL must be encoded, so spaces in labels must be replaced with %20, and color hexadecimal values in the HTTP API URL must include the hash # character urlencoded as %23.

Change On/Off labels

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "onLabel", "ON");
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "offLabel", "OFF");

Set Button Color

//#D3435C - Blynk RED 
Blynk.setProperty(V1, "color", "#D3435C");


Widget will be greyed out on UI and users won't be able to tap on it.

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "isDisabled", true);


Widget will be hidden from dashboard. Design your UI so that it doesn't look weird when there is no widget.

Blynk.setProperty(V1, "isHidden", true);

Change widget properties via HTTPs API

Updates the Datastream Property and all assigned Widgets

GET https://{server_address}/external/api/update/property?token={your 32 char token}&pin={your vPin}&{property}={value}

The endpoint allows you to update the Datastream Property value via GET request. All widgets (both web and mobile) that are assigned to this datastream will inherit this property. The Datastream Property is persistent and will be stored forever until you change it with another value. In order to clear the property you need to clear the device data in device actions menu.

Example: https://blynk.cloud/external/api/update/property?token=GVki9IC70vb3IqvsV0YD3el4y0OpneL1&pin=V2&label=My%20Label



Path Parameters


{server address}*


Get from the bottom right of your Blynk console. More information.

Query Parameters




Device auth token from Device info



The datastream virtual pin (should start with "v")



The property of the widget you want to update: onLabel, offLabel, label, color, isDisabled, isHidden



the text on the button when the button is ON



the text on the button when the button is OFF



the text used as widget label



button color hexadecimal, must include the hash # character urlencoded as %23



true or false



true or false

Sync to the latest known state

You can update your hardware to the latest datastream value from Blynk.Cloud after your hardware went offline, and then came online again. Use Blynk.syncVirtual() to update a single virtual pin, or Blynk.syncAll() to update all virtual pins. See State Syncing for more details.

  // Called when hardware is connected to Blynk.Cloud  

  // get the latest value for V1

  // Request Blynk server to re-send latest values for all pins

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