Heatmap Chart

Available only for PRO users

Note: please remember that web and mobile app widgets are set up separately in the Web Dashboard and Mobile App Dashboard sections correspondingly. They can still use the same datastreams to access the same data (Map widget is an exception – a different codebase is used for Map on mobile and web).

Heatmap Chart is a two-dimensional visual representation of data, where X-axis is time, and Y-axis is a value visualized with color intensity.

An example of use could be a chart of temperature change depicted in color, but it can also be used to visualize on/off or mode states.


It's possible to plot up to 5 datastreams in one widget. Only INT, DOUBLE, and ENUM datastreams are supported.

When using ENUM type, colors will be taken from Datastream settings, for others you can set your own color mapping.

Data aggregation

How data will be aggregated:

  • AVG will plot average value per minute;

  • Raw will plot using all the data available (PRO plan only)

  • MIN will plot the minimum value per minute;

  • MAX will plot the maximum value per minute;

ENUM will only work with Raw aggregation type


Set the color scale to color the incoming values.

When using ENUM datastream, colors will be taken from datastream settings, for others you can set your own colors.

How to send data from the device

Send data using Blynk library

To send data to the chart, use standard command:

Blynk.virtualWrite(vPin, value);

where vPin is a number, and value is the actual value you want to send.

Don't put Blynk.virtualWrite()into the void loop()as it can cause a flood of messages and your hardware will be disconnected from the server for spam. Send such updates only when necessary, or use timers as described below.

Here is a C++ code example to update the chart using timer. You can find a full code example for your hardware here.

// Declaring a global variable to for sensor data
int sensorVal; 

// This function creates the timer object. It's part of Blynk library 
BlynkTimer timer; 

void heatmapchartTimer() 
  // Writing sensor value to datastream V5
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V5, sensorVal);  

void setup()
  //Connecting to Blynk Cloud
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass); 
  // Setting interval to send data to Blynk Cloud to 1000ms. 
  // It means that data will be sent every second
  timer.setInterval(1000L, heatmapchartTimer); 

void loop()
  // Reading sensor from hardware analog pin A0
  sensorVal = analogRead(0); 
  // Runs all Blynk stuff
  // runs BlynkTimer

Send data using HTTP API

You can also use HTTPs API to send data. Check the articles below:

Update Datastream ValueUpload a Set of Timestamped Data

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