Widgets (Console)

Note: You must independently configure Widgets for the Web Dashboard in Blynk.Console, and Widgets for mobile apps in Blynk.App.

Below is the table of widgets grouped by type and subscription. See the Blynk pricing page for limits on the number of widgets per template by subscription.

Widget TypeFREE Subscription WidgetsPLUS Subscription Widgets *PRO Subscription Widgets *


Number Input


Radial Gauge, Map, Image Gallery, Custom Chart, Video


Text Input, Terminal, Segmented Switch, Menu


(*) PLUS subscriptions include all widgets under the FREE subscription. PRO subscription includes widgets under PLUS and FREE subscriptions.

All widgets require the assignment of at least one datastream. The datastream assigned to a widget typically defines many of the characteristics and defaults for the widget. For many widgets, the following is true:

  • The widget min value and max value, as well as any units are established from the datastream.

  • The widget will be set to the datastream default value every time the IoT device reconnects to the Blynk.Cloud, unless the datastream option ‘Sync with latest server value every time device connects to the cloud’ is enabled. The datastream ‘Invalidate Value’ option will also affect the widget’s value when enabled.

  • The types of datastreams by data type that may be assigned to a widget can be found by reviewing List of Datastreams types supported by Widgets.

  • Every widget has an optional ‘Title’ that may be assigned to label it, otherwise the name of the datastream is assigned by default.

  • The widget color takes on the assigned datastream color by default.

When editing a widget’s settings, a visual preview is typically provided.

Most widgets also support changes made to the title/label text, color, and other properties via either the HTTP API or Blynk.EdgeNet Firmware API.

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