
In this Search section, you can find the location you need and view all information about it

Create new

View locations

Any actions



Locations View

You can see information about the available Locations in the form of a table or in the form of a map.


List of Locations

Table interaction

All the columns support sorting.

Table contents

There are 5 specific columns:

  • Location Name

  • Full Address – displays full address of the Location

  • Owner Name – displays the Name of user who assigned to this Location

  • Country – displays the country where the Location is located

  • Owner E-mail – displays E-mail of user who assigned to this Location

Table view can be sorted in ascending/descending order by any column value.

Single Actions menu is triggered by hovering Actions column in Location's row. Available actions:

  • Edit Location – edit data of Location. Modal window will appear.

    Confirm or cancel the action

  • Delete Location – modal window will appear. Type DELETE and confirm the action are required.

The only Bulk Action available here is to Delete the Locations.

  1. Select all Locations by marking checkbox in columns naming row or specify Locations selection by marking each Location's checkbox.

  2. Once Locations selection is made Delete button appears on the top right of the screen.

  3. Don't worry, there's a prompt "Delete Selected Locations?" with Cancel and Delete buttons.

  4. Type DELETE and confirm the action are required.

Locations can be found by Location Name, Address or Owner E-mail – type at least 3 characters to get search results in the table.

New Location

This button click opens modal window.

  • Name – make it meaningful and readable. 48 characters limit.

  • Address (field will appear after Name input) – start typing Location address up to 48 characters and there are 2 options available:

    • select from search suggestions

    • input manually

    Full form will be opened:

Check all the fields to be filled and correct here:

  • Name – will be transferred from the previous form. Can be edited.

  • Address – will be transferred from the previous form. Can be edited.

  • ZIP – postal code

  • State

  • City

  • Country

  • Latitude and Longitude – automatically generated from the data given and can't be edited

  • Map view – location preview. No set point functionality at the moment.

Location Page

You can view information about a Location by clicking on its Name in the List of Locations

Last updated

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GITBOOK-1318: change request with no subject merged in GitBook