
Blynk.Cloud MQTT API uses Names to reference Datastreams.

Changing datastream names in the template settings can make your existing devices misbehave. If this happens, you can either revert your changes or update your device firmware Over the Air to conform to the new datastream structure.

Send data to Blynk

Publish topic ds/DATASTREAM, payload: value in plain text (i.e. 123, hello or 3.1415926)

  • DATASTREAM - the datastream name

For multivalue (array-like) values, the individual items in the payload are separated using a 0x00 byte, i.e: First\u0000Second\u0000Third. The separator is a NUL character, that is also represented as \u0000 in Unicode.

Erase datastream value

Publish topic ds/DATASTREAM/erase, payload: empty

  • DATASTREAM - the datastream name

Get data updates from Blynk

Subscribe to topic: downlink/ds/DATASTREAM

  • DATASTREAM - the datastream name

Usually, you'll want to subscribe to a widcard topic like downlink/# or downlink/ds/#.

Request the latest value from Blynk

Publish topic get/ds, payload: datastream names separated by comma (i.e. Brightness,Color)

The device will receive requested datastream values on downlink/ds/DATASTREAM topic.

Request current values for all datastreams

Publish topic get/ds/all, payload: empty

The device will receive requested datastream values on downlink/ds/DATASTREAM topic.

For this to work, open Datastream settings and enable Advanced Settings -> Sync with latest server value.

Last updated