User Profile
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You can find a specific user going to Blynk.Console -> Users section or Organizations -> Select Organization -> Users (in the second case only users in current organization are visible).
Search by typing the part or the whole Name, Email, Role or Location. The result (multiple results are possible) will be given in the Users table.
By clicking on the Name of a user in the List of Users or on the Device owner's name in the List of Devices, User Profile will open where you can see detailed information about that specific user.
The User profile contains information about the user Name, user Organization, user Country, information about the user Status, Role, Email, Last login, Tags and there may also be other custom information.
The Information tab contains the following details:
Status: There are three possible registration statuses:
Pending: The user is invited, but the email hasn't been confirmed (the user hasn't logged in).
Active: The user has confirmed the email and logged in at least once.
Inactive: The user hasn't logged in for a month.
Email: The user's email address.
Nickname: The user's chosen nickname.
Phone Number (optional): Up to 15 digits, following the international phone format for any country.
Role: There are three roles available with different access and permissions:
Client Custom Fields: May contain additional information about the user required for work. Available in Enterprise Plan only.
Timezone: The user's timezone based on their location.
On the Action logs tab, the user can select a time interval to view the actions for this period:
The table contains information about:
Time – Date and time of the Action
Organization Name
Client – Android, iOS, Web, HTTPS API, Automation, Alexa, Google Home, Other
Action Name
Action Code
The Devices tab contains information about all user devices
Name – Name of Device
Status – Online or Offline
Model – Model of Device
Last Updated – Date and time of the last update