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Check that correct hardware and port are used when uploading the sketch
Potential Reasons:
Wrong email address
The password is incorrect
The user with the specified email address is not registered in the system
Check that your device connects to 2.4 WiFi network
Specify correct email address
Be sure to type the correct password
Reset password
Check the specified email inbox to be sure it's registered in the system
Register with a different email address
No Email Received
Potential Reasons:
You entered an incorrect email address
The email got into the SPAM folder
Email server issues
Specify correct email address
Check your SPAM folder
Contact you mail server administrator
No Connection to Cloud Server
Potential Reasons:
You do not have an Internet connection
The server is rebooting
Intermediate providers issues
Check your Internet connection
You should wait for a while to reboot the server
Run traceroute command in your OS terminal, contact your ISP and provide them with this data
Device is Offline
Potential Reasons:
Connectivity issues
Incorrect SSID or password in the sketch code
SSID or password are not specified in the sketch code
Old version of library or even beta version is used
Outdated ESP core version
Check if the device is powered on
Check your Internet connection between the device and Blynk.Cloud (mind Wi-Fi signal strength and distance)
Be sure to use the latest version of library, otherwise re-flash and launch Device Reprovision process
Check your ESP core version is up to date, otherwise re-flash and launch Device Reprovision process
Checked all of the above and are still unsure what’s going wrong? Contact our technical support team for prompt help (available with PRO plan).
Last updated
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