Search Devices

Search Organization Devices

GET https://{server_address}/api/v1/organization/search/devices

sortBy query parameter could accept the following values: Device Id, Name (stands for device's name), Auth Token, Owner Id (stands for device's owner name), Device Owner Name, Device Owner (stands for device's owner email), Last Reported At, Activated At, Activated By (stands for email of user, that activated device), Model (stands for device's model), Template Name, Template Id, Firmware Version, Organization Id, Status (stands for device's status).

Query Parameters


   "content": [
         "id": 165,
         "templateId": 353,
         "orgId": 577,
         "name": "My awesome device",
         "activatedAt": 1702480139859,
         "ownerUserId": 879,
         "hardwareInfo": {
            "version": "1.0.0",
            "fwType": "TMPL0NqfCLjWX",
            "blynkVersion": "1.0.0",
            "boardType": "ESP8266",
            "build": "1",
            "templateId": "TMPL0NqfCLjWX"
   "totalElements": 1

Request examples:

# curl command example:
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {accessToken}"
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eIdWHQqRfFmvP5LDDh-IGxPUzi7I27HthzCPAVmS"

Last updated