Metadata Tutorial
Metadata is a table of key:value
data attached to every device. Keys
are static, and values
are related for each device.
For example, a Serial Number Metadata field can be attached to every device, but the actual value is different.
1. Create a Template or use an existing one
2. Create Metadata
Open Template
Click Edit at the top right
Switch to Metadata tab

Click Add Metadata.
Choose the most relevant type for every metadata input. For example, if you would need to associate Serial Number with every product, add the “Number” metadata field.
Set it up and click Create button once you've finished with this characteristic

Repeat steps 4 and 5 untill you create Metadata list you need
Click Save Template at the top right
Choose Apply Changes option (let's select Save Changes. Don't update active device this time) and click Continue

You can edit Product's Metadata settings any time you need it by following the steps above.
3. Add Device and provide it's Metadata
During the provision there will be prompts to input Device Metadata:

Change default value to actual one by tapping step buttons or direct input to the field.
Follow provision flow till it's end.
4. View Metadata
View metadata in Blynk.Apps
Tap Device tile
Tap top right Menu button
Scroll through Information tab untill you see Metadata you need

View metadata in Blynk.Console
Find your Device
Click on it's name or row in the table
Switch to Metadata tab

5. Edit Device Metadata
Edit device metadata in Blynk.Apps
Tap Device tile
Tap top right Menu button
Scroll through Information tab untill you see Metadata you need
Tap Metadata value field
Change the value
Return to the previous screen
Edit device metadata in Blynk.Console
Find your Device
Click on it's name or row in the table
Switch to Metadata tab
Hover Metadata value you want to change
Click Edit
Change the value
Click Save

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