Filters allow you to refine your device list based on specific parameters. You can add filters using the search bar or the Add Filter button. Filters can be applied to various attributes, enabling precise and dynamic segmentation. By combining and customizing filters, you can create complex queries for more specific device management.
Types of Filters
Available Device Filter Types
You can filter devices by the following parameters:
Device Activated By – Filter by the email of the person who activated the device.
Device Activated – Filter by the date of device activation.
Device Owner Name – Filter by the name of the device owner.
Device Owner Email – Filter by the email of the device owner.
Device Status – Filter by the current status of the device.
Device Last Reported – Filter by the date when the device last sent data.
Device Name – Filter by the name of the device.
Metadata – Filter by custom metadata fields.
Organization Name – Filter by the organization the device is associated with.
Tag – Filter by assigned tags.
Template Name – Filter by the template used by the device.
Location – Filter by location data such as address, ZIP code, city, or country.
Contact – Filter by contact metadata.
Filtering Conditions
Each filter type supports various filtering conditions depending on the parameter:
Number-based Filters:
Is equal to
Is not equal to
Is empty
Text-based Filters:
Does not contain
Date-based Filters:
Less than
More than
Multiple Values and Bulk Filtering Conditions
You can apply multiple values to a single filter, which will act as an "OR" condition.
When adding multiple filters, you can define the bulk filtering condition. There are two options:
Match All (AND condition): Entities must satisfy all filter criteria.
Match Any (OR condition): Entities must satisfy any of the filter criteria.
How to Add and Apply Filters
Adding Filters
Using the Search Bar:
Enter the filter value in the search field.
Choose the filter from the autocomplete list.
Using the Add Filter
Click the Add Filter button below the search bar.
Select the filter type from the dropdown menu.
Apply the desired filtering condition and enter the necessary values
Applying Filter Logic
Single Filter:
When applying a single filter, the filtering is based on the selected parameter and value.
Multiple Filters:
Add the first filter and set the desired criteria.
Add additional filters as needed.
Select the bulk condition:
Match All: The device must satisfy all the filter criteria.
Match Any: The device must satisfy any of the filter criteria.
Example 1: Filtering by Device Name
Add a filter for Device Name.
as the filtering condition.Enter the value "Sensor".
This will display devices whose names contain "Sensor."
Example 2: Combining Filters
Add a filter for Location (City) and set it to
"New York".Add a filter for Device Status and set it to
"Online".Set the bulk filtering condition to Match All.
This will display online devices located in New York.
Example 3: Single Filter with Multiple Values
Add a filter for Device Tag.
as the filtering condition.Enter the values "Error" and "Problem".
This will display devices with tags that contain either "Error" or "Problem."
You can add a maximum of 5 filters.
A single filter can contain a maximum of 10 values.
Last updated
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